I have two complaints about this very well made game. The story fits the game well, and is the basis of all the action in the game. The game, like all Metroid games, has its own story, and a pretty basic one at that-clear your name after the events in Metroid Fusion. It takes a lot of strategy to defeat them, and is a lot of fun. The bosses in this game are awesome as well. While exploring you'll even find yourself coming back to the same areas to do another task. The exploration aspect of the game is awesome I find my self getting lost certain times, which is always fun to experience in a game. Shoot in eight directions at baddies, duck to avoid obstacles, roll into a ball to get to different areas, upgrade your suit and weapons, and explore the vast area with your map.īasically the whole deal from Super Metroid is in this fan-made game. You can basically do everything Metroid is known for. They of course fit perfectly into the game, and truly make you feel like you're in the Metroid universe. The graphics, music, and sounds for Metroid Redemption are taken directly from the original game. You will play as Samus and explore SR817 for the evidence that will clear her name after the events of Metroid Fusion (Game Boy Advance). The game stars the bounty hunter Samus Aran, who happens to be a woman. Metroid Redemption is a great fanmade platformer set in the universe of Metroid, Nintendo's immensely popular series.īeanjo's excellent review at says it all: " Metroid Redemption is an original fan game based off of the popular Nintendo series: Metroid.